
COURSE OF STUDY FOR D.El.Ed. (TWO year course)
Name & Nature of the Course Diploma in Elementary Teachers Training Two Years
Duration of the Course Two Years
System of Examination Semester System, The duration of Two years has been divided into been Four Semester of equal
Sr. No. Name of the Paper Semester Total Marks in each Semester Theory Internal Assessment Grand Total
Pass Marks 40% Total Marks Pass Marks 40% Total Marks Aggregate Marks 50% Total Marks
1. Education in Emerging India 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
2. Elementary School Student’ Learning Process Adjustment (Educational Psychology 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
3. Elementary Education & Teacher Functions 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
4. Elementary 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
5. Teaching of punjabi Language 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
6. Teaching of English Language 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
7. Teaching of Mathematics 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
8. Environmental Studies Teaching (Social Studies) 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
9. Environmental Studies Teaching (Social) 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
10. Art Education & Work Experience 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
11. Health & Physical Education 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
12. Population Education 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50
13. Educational Technology 1 to 4 50 16 40 4 10 25 50